Honda Civic VI Type-R EK9

Машина моей мечты или посылка из Японии

20 Авг
Автор:Alex |Pубрика:Видео

В очередной раз наткнулся на фестиваль автомобилей Хонда и Акура ... Блин, как же это круто. Прямо хочется плюнуть на все, купить билет и полететь поглазеть в Торонто в Канаде, чтобы прикоснуться хотя бы на миг к этой теплой и дружественной атмосфере. Смотрим:

Не знаю, почему в России такие сходки организуются через одно место. Почему иностранцы умеют собрать народ, подготовить площадку для проведения фестиваля ...

Вот оригинальный текст данного видео: and were pleased to present to you the H-T 7 Meet 2010 - Canada's largest Honda and Acura gathering on August 29 2010, at Grand Prix Kartways, Downsview Park Toronto Ontario.

I Eric from Teknotik would like to take this opportunity to personally thank and acknowledge all the staff and participants that helped make HT7 an overwhelming success. We are proud to announce that we have now confirmed over 1000+ cars in attendance making this once again the biggest Honda and Acura meet to take place anywhere in Canada! We never would have believed that this meet would grown from a single parking lot of under 100 cars to 4 hugs lots packed with not a space to spare. We were very fortunate for a sun filled and beautiful day, aside from a few sun burns.

We would like to thank everyone who came out and participated. We had a great collection of cars from all over Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan, North East USA and our furthest traveler all the way from Halifax Nova Scotia. Special thanks to the huge groups that made the drive all the way from Ottawa (OHC, RL) and Montreal (club civic QC, UR, MR).

Any questions about this event or those looking to make arrangements for large groups or out of town guests for 2011 feel free to contact me directly at Stay in the loop with details for next years event on

Again, thanks to everyone for their support in making this Canada's largest Honda and Acura gathering!

Другие сходки ценителей автомобилей Хонда можно посмотреть по ссылкам ниже:
- Honda Day 2010;
- South Mimms Honda Fest

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5 комментариев к “H-T 7 Meet”

  1. avatar Ростислав

    подскажет кто название первого трэка?

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